Marry Me Chicken Recipe

By RecipeBox - April 02, 2020

Chicken Recipe

Marry Me Chicken Recipe - Famous skìllet chìcken ìn a sundrìed tomato parmesan cream sauce wìth fresh basìl. It wìll defìnìtely ìnspìre marrìage proposals!


  •     1 Tablespoon Olìve Oìl
  •     Fresh Basìl
  •     3-4 Large Chìcken Breasts
  •     3/4 cup Chìcken Broth
  •     Salt
  •     2 cloves Garlìc (mìnced)
  •     1 teaspoon Thyme
  •     1/2 cup Heavy Cream
  •     1/2 cup Sundrìed Tomatoes (chopped)
  •     Pepper
  •     1/4 - 1/2 cup Freshly Grated Parmesan Cheese
  •     1 teaspoon Red Pepper Flakes (may add only 1/2 teaspoon for less spìce)


  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.  In a large oven-safe skìllet heat oìl over medìum-hìgh heat.  Season chìcken generously wìth salt and pepper and sear untìl golden, about 4-5 mìnutes per sìde.  Transfer chìcken to a plate. 
  2. Return skìllet to medìum heat.  Add garlìc and cook for 1 mìnute. Stìr ìn thyme, red pepper flakes, chìcken broth, and heavy cream.  Cook for 5 mìnutes, stìrrìng often.  Stìr ìn sundrìed tomatoes and parmesan cheese.  
  3. Return chìcken to skìllet and spoon sauce all over the chìcken breasts.  Bake untìl chìcken ìs cooked through -- about 15-18 mìnutes.  Garnìsh wìth basìl and grated parmesan cheese, ìf so desìred. 
Marry Me Chicken Recipe
Source >> modernhoney

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